[問題] APP要怎麼設定她的語言- 看板iPhone - 批踢踢實業坊 5 IOS 7.0.4 有JB 最近從台灣的APP STORE 下載的APP.
[求助] 遊戲吃網路流量嗎- by iPhone4.TW 最近愛上一款重裝?士的遊戲,但是因為本身網路不是吃到飽,遊戲又要連網路玩, 想請問如果連3G玩遊戲流量會吃很大嗎?有程式能輔助嗎?
[教學] 切換App Store or iTunes Store 國別語言由日文變中文@ ^(oo ... 2013年7月30日 ... 圖文:麥兜小米當您的App Store因為切換到國外下載App時,而整個語系變成 ... 方法如下,我們以日本為例。
Coolest iPhone APP EVER!!! - MUST SEE! - YouTube iCar Remote. It's basically a remote control for your car. Control windows and even drive it! Awesome. Get it from the APP STORE off your iphone. Also on some websites!
Buy U a Drank - I Am T-Pain - iPhone App - YouTube BUY APP NOW AT: http://bit.ly/GetTPainApp OFFICIAL SITE: http://www.IAmT-Pain.com Ever wondered how your own voice sounds Auto-Tuned? I Am T-Pain gives you A...
在iPhone中更改App Store的语言| Leona+ 行動版 - 2012年11月29日 - App Store有默认的显示语言,比如你的Apple ID选择在了中国大陆,那么App Store 中就会 ...
[消息] 大家有沒有發覺可以設定App 語言優先度- iPhone4.TW 主題: 大家有沒有發覺可以設定App 語言優先度 ... [求助] IPHONE有沒有可以設定 PROFILE的APPS.
iPhone Apps - Fresh Apps Fresh Apps helps you find the freshest apps for the iPhone and the iPod Touch. Sort, comment, rate, review, and search for the best iPhone Apps. Apple's ... Submission Process Is Working Again Late last year, FreshApps, like many sites fell a victim to a
Mobile Education Store - Speech Therapy Apps and Language Apps for iPhone and iPad Mobile Education Store produces iPhone and iPad Apps for families and educators to help children learn sentence structure and narrative skills. ... Helping Kids Connect the Dots By engaging the visual, audio and tactile sense, our products help children l
[問題] App語言改不回來- 看板iPhone - 批踢踢實業坊 各位版友晚安,前幾天有改過iPhone的語言, 因為一些app使用上的原因,改成了 韓文。 後來有將手機語言改回成繁體中文, ...